I wish I would have been more interested in politics the last eight years. More than disagreeing with everything Bush, that is. I'm curious about what the medias reaction to him was when he first became President.
Has anyone noticed how easy Obama seems to be having it in the media? I voted Obama, and I support him, but there is no way he is perfection, right? Don't get me wrong, I want him to be everything we think he could be, I just think it is dangerous to trust a politician, especially one with the wherewithal to become Prez.
I remember very clearly him saying his first order of business would be to close Guantanamo Bay, at the longest within 100 days, and now he is saying No Way! Not in 100 days, anyhow. He is also not going to look into Bush's illegal, immoral wire tapping, or use of torture or "terrorist" suspects. That's disappointing. To me, anyway. I was kind of hoping Obama would come in and smite the Evil Doers with his sword of justice (jousteece!) or something equally implausible.
Anyway, I'm just worried about being let down. I hope we have a President who is going to turn things around, a President who cares about poor people, middle class people, minorities, seniors, children, education, the environment, peace.
Someone said the reason the French have a remarkable standard of living is because they demand it. They fucking riot. Take it to the streets, so to speak.
I hope that if Obama lets us down, we will feel more like rioting than readjusting to ways of governing that disappoint us all.