I have been experiencing the unspeakable terror of anticipating winter. I’ll be biking on my merry way, getting warm; a little sweaty even, from my body’s produced heat. Then suddenly—Stop biking, get to class or get home and you are cold. I can feel it in my fingers but especially in my feet—they just never seem to get warm, even on modestly warm days--, and I remember last winter. It dragged on and I feel like I lost a part of myself and replaced it with a much more sinister and pessimistic portion of Rosie.
Also, here are some characteristics I just cannot stand in people
1.(And this ones pretty all-encompassing): People who talk shit about the people they wish they were.
2.People who don's listen. People who talk to hear echoes.
3.How about I don't go down such a negative list-making route today. There will be all of winter for that, right?
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